Within its constrained resource framework,
the Secretariat has tended to focus on ways of "representing" through
its self-funded core documentary activities -- rather than through separate
activities for which specific funding had to be found. It is through
its information activity that the UIA "represents" all international
nonprofit bodies, and their concerns, in a more comprehensive, detailed
and unbiased manner than is possible in any other mode of activity. |
Promoting recognition |
In the light of the information maintained
on international organizations and their preoccupations, the promotes
understanding of how such bodies represent valid interests in every field
of human activity or belief, whether scientific, religious, artistic,
commercial, educational, professional or political. A special focus is
given to the recognition of non-governmental bodies by intergovernmental
institutions and the need to overcome the legal and administrative obstacles
currently preventing the effective use of the full potential of the inter-organizational
network. |
Community building |
This strategy implies a radical shift from a "registry" mindset to a "community" mindset. "Community" is an easy word to use. In practice, however, it has multiple meanings and associations. For some it is perfectly adequate as a loose term to apply to a pattern of undefined associations that individuals and groups activate and enhance through "networking". The telephone system and e-mail are ideal technologies to support community. Services to the civil society community can indeed limit themselves to focusing on web equivalents. The notion of "community" by its very nature tends to focus on, and assume, a degree of consensus. It ignores the basic fact that for many bodies in civil society their main concern is to counteract and oppose the initiatives of other bodies in that same domain. Such opposition may be basic to their sense of distinct identity and the prime reason for their distinct existence and expression on the web. There may indeed be a recognition of shared membership in community
in the most abstract sense, and shared interest with regard to freedom
of expression, but the lack of consensus across sectors and ideologies
is a fundamental issue in responding to the realities of the dynamics
within that "community". In confronting the realities
of these dynamics, the challenge will be to respond creatively to the
variety of "divides" (as noted earlier) that fragment
the community of non-profit bodies, including especially : · The
digital divide · The cultural divide between the dominant western
style, and its association with elites in many developing countries,
and the variety of alternative styles, the sectoral divide, and the
styles of thinking and activity associated with each the linguistic
The challenge is also to give meaningful expression to this more ecological
sense of community. The civil society community is not only about agreement,
but also about the disagreements that are fundamental to the vitality
of democratic society. It is unacceptable to develop a marketing strategy
based on the assumption that the civil society community is composed
of those who agree with a set of principles selected by a particular
coalition - and that all who do not agree with them should be encouraged
to move elsewhere. The civil society community is not homogenous. It
might be better understood as made up of "communities" with
different identities and operating mindsets - often valiantly struggling
to sustain their uniqueness and resist its dilution by other cultural
forces. |
Image building |
Implicit in many of the above strategic elements
are social challenges that face-to-face communication has not yet resolved
between sectors of society, notably in the case of: o belief systems
and their agendas (whether ideological or religious), o inter-organization
political processes, and o lifestyle and cultural preferences. It will
not be assumed, as part of the marketing and branding initiative, or
the provision of any web services, that these societal issues will be
readily resolved and "magicked away" through computer-mediated
communication. Imposition of any one creative dialogue model is not a
feature of the strategy advocated. There are many such models - and their
number and the fervour of their respective advocates has only served
to exemplify the problem of the failure of such models to resolve the
bloodiest real-world conflicts. Nor will it be assumed that, deliberately
or inadvertently, efforts may be made to replicate such dynamics in the
electronic context to the advantage of some and to the disadvantage of
many. ???? |
Membership |
UIA does not claim or seek
to represent international organizations in articulating its own policies,
rather it endeavours to represent the full range of their policy interests,
concerns and activities through its comprehensive information activities.
Membership is designed to ensure the good operation and independence
of its information services and not to pursue any particular political
agenda. Bodies profiled are not full members of UIA;
the aim is to be as comprehensive as is possible in coverage of such
bodies -- and this precludes any exercises in membership which would
distort the information collection process. Most international organizations
have no desire to perceive themselves as members of other bodies or to
be represented by them. |
Catalytic role |
Whilst explicitly recognizing in its statutes
the merit in principle of "activating" the nonprofit community
as a whole, the UIA is especially sensitive to the fact that relatively
few organizations - except on a symbolic basis - wish to be in any way
conscripted in practice into "membership" of larger communities
that qualify or distort their individual sense of identity and promote
policies over which their own membership has relatively little control.
It is for such reasons that the UIA has long downplayed its institutional
role in maintaining such registries. It has instead promoted the registry
itself - notably the Yearbook of International Organizations (now in
its 39th edition). This avoids any socio-political issues associated
with a non-information relationship of individual registrants to the
UIA. |
Interactive participation |
Participative knowledge-base development: The data is provided by organizations from around the world. From January 1999, individuals and groups have become active participants in the interactive knowledge building processes associated with the development-oriented databases. The organization of the data allows users to improve the quality of the knowledge bases: feeding in or amending information, to comment in their own terms (positively or negatively) on existing information and linkages, and to offer alternative (integrative) hyperlink access maps to portions of the data. This facility is being integrated with electronic dialogue environments referencing the content. |