Union of Intelligible Associations
Union of Intelligible Associations

Projects Overview (Explanations)
Human Values Project (Explanations)

Figure 3. Value polarities (Section VP). Presented in order of the number of cross-references to constructive and destructive value words (Sections VC and VD). Low order polarities have been omitted. Polarity names are only indicative. Most cited constructive value words are presented in Figure 1; destructive value words in Figure 2. See commentary. These words are used as a basis for relating values to world problems (destructive values) and organizational strategies (constructive values) in the Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential. These polarities are clustered by "value type" in Figure 4

VP5863 Pleasantness-Unpleasantness 34 118 152 2.1
VP5624 Resolution-Irresolution 58 68 126 1.7
VP5467 Intelligence-Unintelligence 63 60 123 1.7
VP5974 Probity-Improbity 73 46 119 1.6
VP5674 Goodness-Badness 44 72 116 1.6
VP5733 Skilfulness-Unskilfulness 65 49 114 1.6
VP5938 Kindness-Unkindness 49 57 106 1.5
VP5161 Energy-Moderation 63 42 105 1.4
VP5516 Truth-Error 51 52 103 1.4
VP5980 Virtue-Vice 24 75 99 1.4
VP5785 Support-Opposition 62 35 97 1.3
VP5794 Accord-Disaccord 46 49 95 1.3
VP5513 Certainty-Uncertainty 43 51 94 1.3
VP5554 Communicativeness-Uncommunicativeness 19 75 94 1.3
VP5631 Desire-Avoidance 45 43 88 1.2
VP5914 Repute-Disrepute 49 37 86 1.2
VP5705 Action-Inaction 41 41 82 1.1
VP5890 Courage-Fear 32 50 82 1.1
VP5665 Appropriateness-Inappropriateness 23 57 80 1.1
VP5968 Approval-Disapproval 28 52 80 1.1
VP5533 Carefulness-Neglect 46 33 79 1.1
VP5026 Agreement-Disagreement 36 42 78 1.1
VP5660 Oversufficiency-Insufficiency 23 53 76 1.0
VP5762 Freedom-Restraint 48 27 75 1.0
VP5870 Cheerfulness-Solemnity 43 32 75 1.0
VP5896 Taste-Vulgarity 40 33 73 1.0
VP5157 Power-Impotence 38 34 72 1.0
VP5691 Improvement-Impairment 22 49 71 1.0
VP5927 Friendship-Enmity 41 30 71 1.0
VP5987 Chastity-Unchastity 25 45 70 0.9
VP5677 Perfection-Imperfection 27 39 66 0.9
VP5732 Facility-Difficulty 18 47 65 0.9
VP5672 Importance-Unimportance 31 32 63 0.8
VP5530 Attention-Inattention 28 33 61 0.8
VP5475 Knowledge-Ignorance 39 18 57 0.8
VP5501 Belief-Unbelief 31 25 56 0.7
VP5964 Respect-Disrespect 21 34 55 0.7
VP5481 Intuition-Reason 21 33 54 0.7
VP5948 Congratulation-Envy 0 53 53 0.7
VP5059 Order-Disorder 16 36 52 0.7
VP5878 Amusement-Boredom 18 34 52 0.7
VP5621 Willingness-Unwillingness 39 12 51 0.7
VP5685 Health-Disease 19 32 51 0.7
VP5855 Feeling-Unfeelinglessness 20 30 50 0.7
VP5900 Naturalness-Affectation 28 22 50 0.7
VP5693 Restoration-Destruction 11 37 48 0.6
VP5697 Safety-Danger 27 20 47 0.6
VP5159 Strength-Weakness 19 27 46 0.6
VP5739 Authority-Lawlessness 28 18 46 0.6
VP5857 Excitement-Inexcitability 35 11 46 0.6
VP5908 Modesty-Vanity 11 35 46 0.6
VP5922 Sociability-Unsociability 31 14 45 0.6
VP5936 Courtesy-Discourtesy 26 19 45 0.6
VP5899 Beauty-Ugliness 25 19 44 0.6
VP5141 Stability-Changeableness 22 21 43 0.6
VP5756 Leniency-Compulsion 26 17 43 0.6
VP5766 Obedience-Disobedience 14 29 43 0.6
VP5905 Pride-Humility 22 21 43 0.6
VP5930 Love-Hate 26 17 43 0.6
VP5472 Sanity-Insanity 12 30 42 0.5
VP5722 Accomplishment-Nonaccomplishment 29 12 41 0.5
VP5957 Rightness-Wrongness 20 21 41 0.5
VP5129 Timeliness-Untimeliness 19 21 40 0.5
VP5728 Prosperity-Adversity 23 17 40 0.5
VP5978 Unselfishness-Selfishness 27 13 40 0.5
VP5526 Broadmindedness-Narrowmindedness 20 19 39 0.5
VP6028 Piety-Impiety 23 16 39 0.5
VP5521 Assent-Dissent 19 19 38 0.5
VP5865 Pleasure-Displeasure 37 1 38 0.5
VP5548 Intelligibility-Unintelligibility 18 19 37 0.5
VP5648 Motivation-Dissuasion 33 4 37 0.5
VP5815 Sharing-Appropriation 25 12 37 0.5
VP5976 Justice-Injustice 20 17 37 0.5
VP5054 Completeness-Incompleteness 27 9 36 0.5
VP5172 Influence-Influencelessness 28 8 36 0.5
VP5034 Greatness-Smallness 29 6 35 0.4
VP5422 Sensation-Insensibility 14 20 34 0.4
VP5775 Consent-Refusal 18 16 34 0.4
VP5888 Hope-Hopelessness 16 18 34 0.4
VP5944 Compassion-Pitilessness 25 9 34 0.4
VP5036 Superiority-Inferiority 12 21 33 0.4
VP5248 Symmetry-Distortion 14 19 33 0.4
VP5407 Life-Death 14 19 33 0.4
VP5670 Expedience-Inexpedience 9 24 33 0.4
VP5013 Identity-Difference 15 17 32 0.4
VP5861 Patience-Impatience 21 11 32 0.4
VP5868 Contentment-Discontentment 15 17 32 0.4
VP5720 Preparedness-Unpreparedness 15 16 31 0.4
VP5808 Possession-Loss 14 17 31 0.4
VP5894 Caution-Rashness 15 16 31 0.4
VP5992 Temperance-Intemperance 13 18 31 0.4
VP5082 Conformity-Nonconformity 19 11 30 0.4
VP5139 Change-Permanence 28 1 29 0.4
VP5681 Cleanness-Uncleanness 12 17 29 0.4
VP5050 Cohesion-Disintegration 9 19 28 0.3
VP5076 Inclusion-Exclusion 8 20 28 0.3
VP5492 Discrimination-Indiscrimination 18 10 28 0.3
VP5562 Education-Miseducation 20 8 28 0.3
VP6013 Godliness-Ungodliness 24 4 28 0.3
VP5600 Eloquence-Uneloquence 25 1 26 0.3
VP5848 Expensiveness-Cheapness 5 21 26 0.3
VP5885 Comfort-Aggravation 20 6 26 0.3
VP5535 Imaginativeness-Unimaginativeness 18 7 25 0.3
VP5960 Dueness-Undueness 14 11 25 0.3
VP5494 Judgement-Misjudgement 12 12 24 0.3
VP5637 Choice-Necessity 12 12 24 0.3
VP5873 Exultation-Lamentation  14 10 24 0.3
VP6005 Vindication-Condemnation 14 10 24 0.3
VP5045 Simplicity-Complexity 16 7 23 0.3
VP5267 Motion-Quiescence 11 12 23 0.3
VP5030 Equality-Inequality 12 10 22 0.3
VP5089 Unity-Duality 15 7 22 0.3
VP5110 Durability-Transience 15 7 22 0.3
VP5851 Economy-Prodigality 21 1 22 0.3
VP5947 Forgiveness-Vengeance 17 5 22 0.3
VP5122 Newness-Oldness 10 11 21 0.2
VP5589 Elegance-Inelegance 16 5 21 0.2
VP5690 Selfactualization-Neurosis 3 18 21 0.2
VP5726 Victory-Defeat 9 11 20 0.2
VP5998 Legality-Illegality 4 16 20 0.2
VP5539 Expectation-Inexpectation 11 8 19 0.2
VP5683 Healthfulness-Unhealthfulness 7 12 19 0.2
VP5925 Hospitality-Inhospitality 14 5 19 0.2
VP5323 Oscillation-Agitation 0 18 18 0.2
VP5545 Meaning-Meaninglessness 7 11 18 0.2
VP5737 Behaviour-Misbehaviour 8 10 18 0.2
VP5983 Innocence-Guilt 14 4 18 0.2
VP5001 Existence-Nonexistence 12 5 17 0.2
VP5177 Concurrence-Counteraction 16 1 17 0.2
VP5478 Thought-Thoughtlessness 13 4 17 0.2
VP5038 Increase-Decrease 15 1 16 0.2
VP5145 Conversion-Reversion 4 12 16 0.2
VP5165 Productiveness-Unproductiveness 10 6 16 0.2
VP5186 Presence-Absence 7 9 16 0.2
VP5837 Wealth-Poverty 5 11 16 0.2
VP5047 Conjunction-Separation 6 9 15 0.2
VP5147 Evolution-Revolution 9 6 15 0.2
VP5335 Light-Darkness 12 3 15 0.2
VP5009 Relatedness-Unrelatedness 11 3 14 0.1
VP5017 Uniformity-Nonuniformity 5 9 14 0.1
VP5246 Form-Formlessness 2 12 14 0.1
VP5528 Curiosity-Incuriosity 3 11 14 0.1
VP5646 Formality-Informality 12 2 1 0.1
VP6026 Sanctity-Unsanctity 14 0 14 0.1
VP5003 Substantiality-Unsubstantiality 11 2 13 0.1
VP5153 Causation-Culmination 12 1 13 0.1
VP5352 Weight-Lightness  7 6 13 0.1
VP5462 Harmony-Discord 8 4 12 0.1
VP5552 Interpretability-Misinterpretability 3 10 13 0.1
VP5023 Originality-Imitation 12 0 12 0.1
VP5167 Production-Reproduction 12 0 12 0.1
VP5358 Elasticity-Toughness 8 4 12 0.1
VP5427 Savouriness-Unsavouriness 4 8 12 0.1
VP5071 Continuity-Discontinuity 7 4 11 0.1
VP5155 Attributability-Chance 5 6 11 0.1
VP5170 Ancestry-Posterity 11 0 11 0.1
VP5290 Direction-Deviation 5 6 11 0.1
VP5573 Representation-Misrepresentation 2 9 11 0.1
VP5592 Conciseness-Diffuseness 8 3 11 0.1
VP5101 Numerousness-Fewness 7 3 10 0.1
VP5185 Location-Dislocation 7 3 10 0.1
VP5234 Circumscription-Intrusion 1 9 10 0.1
VP5485 Research-Discovery 9 1 10 0.1
VP5505 Provability-Unprovability 7 3 10 0.1
VP5920 Wonder-Unastonishment 10 0 10 0.1
VP5137 Regularity-Irregularity 6 3 9 0.1
VP5313 Overrunning-Shortcoming 0 9 9 0.1
VP5317 Elevation-Depression 6 3 9 0.1
VP5356 Hardness-Softness 6 3 9 0.1
VP5446 Appearance-Disappearance 3 6 9 0.1
VP5709 Exertion-Rest 9 0 9 0.1
VP5798 Attack-Defence 4 5 9 0.1
VP5949 Gratitude-Ingratitude 8 1 9 0.1
VP5135 Frequency-Infrequency 8 0 8 0.1
VP5195 Bigness-Littleness 1 7 8 0.1
VP5265 Opening-Closure 3 5 8 0.1
VP5444 Visibility-Invisibility 3 5 8 0.1
VP5806 Neutrality-Compromise 8 0 8 0.1
VP5112 Perpetuity-Instantaneousness 7 0 7 0.0
VP5124 Youth-Age 6 1 7 0.0
VP5197 Expansion-Contraction 7 0 7 0.0
VP5435 Fragrance-Stench 1 6 7 0.0
VP5509 Possibility-Impossibility 4 3 7 0.0
VP5642 Conventionality-Unconventionality 6 1 7 0.0
VP5695 Refreshment-Relapse 4 3 7 0.0
VP5119 Futurity-Antiquity 6 0 6 0.0
VP5143 Continuance-Cessation 6 0 6 0.0
VP5294 Progression-Regression 1 5 6 0.0
VP5451 Silence-Loudness 3 3 6 0.0

From Encyclopedia of World Problems and Human Potential